How To See Others Deleted TikTok Videos Easily

Isn’t it fascinating to observe how people respond to some of your TikTok videos by talking and acting?

These films will be shared for entertainment purposes or to demonstrate to others how outrageous the creators of the videos are.

What happens if you wish to see some old videos that someone else has, but they’ve erased?

If so, do you know how to see others deleted TikTok videos? No? Okay, no worries; we’ll just guide you on how to see other people’s videos they have deleted.

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The truth is, there are various reasons why TikTok videos might be removed.

It may be that the video was removed because it broke TikTok’s community rules. Or perhaps the author took it down themselves. Given how much you cherished those videos, we can comprehend how annoying it was.


You’ve come to the right site if you want to learn how to access deleted TikTok videos from other users.

Instruction on how to locate deleted TikTok videos is provided in the step-by-step method that follows. Even when they are deleted, you can still view them. Follow the below-listed instructions, and you’re set to go.

How to see Others Deleted TikTok videos in 7 Easy Steps

1. Open/Launch the TikTok app.

To start, you must first look for a black icon with a music note when you first open your Android phone or iOS. TikTok uses this as its official icon. On your smartphone, tap the icon to launch the TikTok app.

step 1 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

2. Goto your profile.

The symbol for your profile can be found on the right side of the home page once the TikTok program has launched. It will display a person’s icon with “me” written beneath it. To begin the profile, tap it. On your TikTok profile, look for deleted videos.

step 2 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

3. Check your draft

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When you access your drafts section on your profile, you will see a heart-shaped lock icon. All of your unfinished videos are preserved here. To access all of your draft videos, tap the symbol.

step 3 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

4. Click on the video

To watch the video, click the provided link. You will now view every video and choose the one you erased so you may watch it again.

The video must be tapped, and videos that have been erased frequently have a broken camera symbol.

step 4 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

5. Click on the share icon

On the right side of the video, at the bottom, after it has opened, there will be a share icon. Click on that. Tap the forward arrow to send the video to a friend or add it to your Gallery.

step 5 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

6. Save the video

After hitting the Save button, you can add the saved movie to your Gallery. The video can also be shared on various websites for social media sharing. For instance, tap the Whatsapp symbol to share the video over Whatsapp.

step 6 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

7. Go to the Gallery.

Close your TikTok application after downloading the video to your Gallery. To watch the downloaded video, go to the Gallery on your phone.

step 7 how to see others deleted TikTok videos

8. To play a video stored by the TikTok app, tap on it in your Gallery.

9. You can view the displayed video and every other video currently saved in your phone’s Gallery. Tap the video that has been downloaded using the TikTok app.

The erased TikTok video can now be viewed on your smartphone and shared with anybody you like.

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You can also upload it again to the TikTok platform, which is the best and easiest way to recover deleted TikTok videos.

Common Causes of TikTok Video Loss

1. Users occasionally create videos in the app but don’t always share or store them.

2. It may be that your phone ran into network issues when you uploaded the video.

3. It might not be there if your phone crashed or rebooted while uploading a video.

4. It can be a problem with the TikTok-related app, such as a corrupt update.

5. The likelihood that the live video was mistakenly erased or damaged increases if saved on your personal computer.

6. Other causes of data loss include third-party applications, inadequate video file uploads, formatting of storage devices, etc.

7. The first thing to look at is unintentional deletion, assuming they are undesired videos.

How to Get Back Deleted Videos from TikTok on a Computer

how to see others deleted TikTok videos on computer

Initially, the majority of TikTok users save their movies on desktops. If your TikTok videos were removed from your Mac or Windows computer, we advise that you take the following advice into account.

Be sure to examine your system’s Recycle Bin or Trash folder before taking any dramatic measures.

The files are not immediately purged from the system when an item is removed, and instead, they are temporarily saved in the Trash and Recycle Bin.

Go to the Recycle Bin in Windows by using the Desktop or Explorer. You can look for the lost TikTok video, right-click it, and then move it back to where it belonged.

Mac users can search for deleted videos in the Trash folder, similar to Windows users using the Dock or Finder. To get it back, open the context menu and choose “Put back” from the menu.

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Tips for Easily Protecting Your TikTok Videos from Being Deleted.

New techniques for securing posts on TikTok include the actions listed below.

1. TikTok has a “Store in album” feature that you may enable to quickly save clips to your smartphone, computer, or sd card.

2. To maintain a copy of the brief video clips, consider saving your video to your device’s SD card before posting it.

3. To preserve your TikTok videos, ensure to sync them with Google Drive or iCloud.

4. To prevent losing the videos you’ve saved, be cautious not to modify your TikTok account on your smartphone.

5. Consider sharing TikTok videos with your loved ones or friends on purpose, or consider making backups of them, so you always have a copy on hand.

6. To prevent losing your most recent films, it’s a good idea to back up the files and keep a copy of your TikTok videos on hand at all times.

7. To prevent your videos from being removed by TikTok, ensure that you abide by the community rules and guidelines when using your account.


TikTok is a popular app these days that many people use to have fun, capture, and share their daily lives.

Management of the videos they upload could be a little challenging, and they might wish to remove a few pointless videos from their accounts in this situation.

However, occasionally they might unintentionally erase crucial videos. They could seek to recover the deleted TikTok video in this situation. This article provides advice on how to retrieve deleted videos.