How To Block No Caller ID On iPhone Easily

Getting unknown and/or spam calls can be annoying and scary. Some callers call your phone, and the contact name shows “No Caller ID, while some show “Unknown.”

In this article, you will learn how to block no caller id on iPhone and the differences between a no caller id and an unknown number.

Let’s dive in.

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When you receive a call that shows up as “No Caller ID,” the caller has blocked and restricted their number from appearing when calling you.

That is a no caller id contact. And this can be very dangerous, and nobody with a good motive for you would call and block their number except it is for pranks.

Yeah, some close friends and families play such pranks by hiding their number to call someone who knows them to scare them. Note that most calls with “No caller I.D. are spam calls, hackers, in fact, ritualists.

It can be risky to pick up calls from a “No caller id “number. Some people call you with a no caller id to get information about your whereabouts, to scam you by giving you negative instructions to follow, and might even record your voice to use it against you later.

When you receive a no caller id call on your iPhone, you should be very sensitive not to pick up and immediately block that contact to avoid further discussion.

These people blocked their number from appearing on your phone to avoid being tracked when you get their motive and goal.

And also, they might be people closer to you who would want to avoid you, knowing they are the ones.

Like I said earlier, it might be for a negative reason or a prank by someone close to you. The most dangerous part is that you cannot trace the number to get the caller since their number did not appear.

So instead of picking it up to grant their goal, you should rather avoid their goal of hacking and scamming you not to come true.

How do you do this? It would be best if you did it by reading this article to block those contacts.

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When a call comes up on your phone as “Unknown,” it simply means that the network could not get the caller’s information during the call connection.

It might also be dangerous, but in most cases, they are pranks or network issues.


With some new advancements on iPhone, such as iPhone X, iPhone 11, and iPhone 12, there is a feature on your phone known as “Silence unknown Callers.” You can easily locate it with its icon.

Silencing the unknown caller function is to the new model iPhone to directly transfer no caller id calls to voicemail and leave the call notification on the phonebook without ringing out, and for the phone owner to be aware of the call to take quick action to block it.

FIRST METHOD: Activate The” Silence Unknown Callers” Mode

Follow this step to activate the unknown silent caller on the new model’s iPhone.

1. Go to the “settings” icon on your iPhone home screen

2. On the settings page, scroll down to select the “Phone” option

3. On the phone page, select the “Silence unknown caller” option, then activate the feature by sliding to the right until it turns green.

4. By activating the “Silenceunknown caller” mode, you won’t receive notifications when spam or unknown caller id calls come into your phone.

SECOND METHOD: Activate The Do Not Disturb (DND) Mode

Using the DND mode is another method you can use to block and avoid the no caller id calls on your iPhone. Using the  “Do not disturb feature.”

1. On your home screen, click on the “settings” icon

2. Swipe down slowly through the settings page, then select the “Do not disturb icon.”

3. Click “Allow Calls From,” then choose the “All contact Option.”

You should note that the “Do not disturb” mode allows only calls from the contacts saved on your phone; you will not be able to receive calls from numbers you don’t have on your contact list. And this might be other relevant calls besides the spam calls.

THIRD METHOD: Create a New Contact

Another incredible way you can block the no caller id callers is to save other contacts on your phone by using “No caller I.D.” to save them from resisting you from picking up the calls.

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Since the no caller id callers blocked their number from appearing, iPhone cannot recognize it either, so you can’t save a number or block it directly.

Wanting to save a no caller id caller is just like saving an empty contact, which is impossible.

Therefore, this method is employed to save random numbers as “no caller id” to stop you from picking them up when the no caller id calls pop on your phone.

1. Select the “Contacts” icon, then click on the + button to add a new contact on your phone.

2. Type “No caller id” as the contact name

3. Type any random number like 111-111 as the contact number.

4. Select done at the top right side to save.

You can use these three methods to block and restrict yourself from picking up “No caller id” contacts when using the new iPhone model.

Unfortunately, when you use the old model iPhone, such as iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, or iPhone 8, they may not have features like the “Silence unknown caller” function.

Perhaps, there are other methods you can use to block and resist the “No caller I.D. callers from your old model iPhone.



1. Go to contacts and select the + button to add a new contact on your phone.

2. Save the contact with the name “No caller id.”

3. Type any random number such as 111-1111-111 as the contact phone number.

4. Select done to save the contact

5. Go to the contact profile page and click “Block this caller.”

6. Click on the block to confirm the blocking.


This method is very similar to how you block no caller id on iPhone new models. The “Do not Disturb” or “DND” enable just the contacts saved on your phone to call you and resist other contacts out of your contact from calling you.

1. On your home screen on the app bar, click on settings

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2. On the settings page, scroll down to click on the “Do not disturb” feature, then activate it by sliding the round button beside the right until it turns white to green.

When the “Do not disturb is Activated, A half-crescent moon shows on the tools bar of your iPhone.

3. From the do not disturb page, click on the “allow calls from” then select “all contacts.”

Also, through the advance in technology, new software and applications you can use to block the no caller id. This software includes

  1. AT&T services
  2. Verizon Services
  3. T-Mobile services

On android phones, unknown callers appear as “Unknown” but as “No caller id “ on iPhones.

If you are not a fan of the iPhone and use an android, you can also block unknown numbers from disturbing you and intruding into your privacy.


1. Unlock your phone and select the “Phone” Icon

2. Tap the three-dot buttons on the phone page

3. Click on settings

4. Now you are on the call settings, on the call settings page, click on block number

5. Slide the “Block number/Private number switch to the right

What steps do you need to avoid and block private and spam calls from disturbing you on your android phone? Note that these settings may differ depending on the kind of android phone you use.


We block no caller I.D. to restrict unwanted numbers from calling us.

You don’t just block unknown spam calls or private numbers. Still, you can also block a number saved on your phone if the person keeps on disturbing or monitoring you when you notice an unpleasant communication from a particular contact on your phone.

Therefore, you can choose to block that number.

When you block a number, you will not receive any call notification or message notifications from that number. Your phone might notify you of someone, not even in a way you notice it.

Your privacy is paramount; you must choose your privacy live and be very sensitive to notice any unusual activity from your phone or anybody.