Is Stuvia legit or Scam? Stuvia reviews

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  • Post published:February 19, 2024
  • Post category:Reviews

Stuvia is an online educational platform that connects students with study materials created by other students. It allows students to buy and sell summaries, notes, exam preparations, assignments, and more. With over 1.5 million study materials available, Stuvia has become quite popular among students around the world. But is Stuvia legit and safe to use or is it a scam? In this extensive review, we will analyze Stuvia’s business model, services, legality, and user reviews to determine if it is legitimate or fraudulent.

Overview of Stuvia

Stuvia was founded in 2010 by 4 students from the University of Amsterdam – Nicole Jansen, Charlotte de Brabander, Koen Kas, and Mark Duijnisveld. The platform was created to help university students get access to high-quality study materials created by other students.

The company is headquartered in Amsterdam and serves over 2 million students across 70 countries. Some key facts about Stuvia:

  • Founded in 2010 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Serves over 2 million students globally
  • Has over 1.5 million study materials in its catalog
  • Materials are created and sold by students
  • The company takes a commission of 65% per sale
  • Available materials include summaries, notes, exam prep, assignments, flashcards, etc.
  • Used by students from over 500 universities including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge etc.

The Stuvia platform connects students looking for study help with students who have created materials and are willing to sell them. It allows ‘sellers’ to upload their documents and set a price while enabling ‘buyers’ to search for what they need and make purchases.

How Stuvia Works

Stuvia operates on a sharing economy model that allows students to monetize their learning materials. Here is an overview of how it works:

For Sellers

Students who have created high-quality study materials like notes, summaries, exam bundles, case studies solutions etc. can register as a seller on Stuvia. They can then upload their documents to the platform and set a price for each. Stuvia does not put any restrictions on pricing, enabling sellers to determine how much they want to charge.

The materials go through a quality review by Stuvia before getting published online. Once live, other students can search for and purchase the documents. When a sale is made, the seller earns money after Stuvia deducts a commission.

For Buyers

Students looking for study help can search for materials on Stuvia using keywords, university name, course codes etc. They can view seller ratings and reviews before making a purchase. Payment can be made instantly via credit card or PayPal.

Once the payment goes through, the buyer can immediately access and download the study material in PDF format. All documents are watermarked with the buyer’s name to prevent redistribution.

Stuvia’s Earnings Model

Stuvia makes money by taking a commission on every sale facilitated through its platform. The commission is steep at 65% of the selling price. So for a document priced at $10, Stuvia would take $6.50 and the seller gets $3.50.

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This high commission rate enables Stuvia to offer ‘Seller Protection’ where sellers are still paid if a buyer requests a refund. Stuvia’s revenues come from these commissions, subscription plans, and advertising.

The company claims to have paid out over €21 million to student sellers since inception. With over 1.5 million study materials on its platform, Stuvia is undoubtedly a lucrative marketplace for students.

Is Stuvia Legit, Legal and Safe?

With its unique peer-to-peer sharing model, Stuvia operates in a gray legal area when it comes to copyrights. So is using and selling on Stuvia considered ethical and legal? Let’s analyze some key concerns:

Copyright violations

A big question is whether students have the rights to sell university-created course materials on third party platforms like Stuvia. After all, the professors or universities own the copyrights to exam questions, assignments etc. re-selling them could constitute copyright infringement.

However, Stuvia insists that because their sellers create summary notes, exam bundles and other study guides in their own words, it qualifies as original derivative work. Students own the copyright to these newly created materials. Stuvia does not allow verbatim sharing of university content.

They compare it to textbook companies creating alternative study guides on textbooks which is legally allowed. But whether this reasoning holds up in court is debatable.

University opposition

Many universities have publicly opposed paid file-sharing sites like Stuvia as it incentivizes copyright violations.

In 2019, McGill University sued Stuvia for hosting thousands of McGill course materials illegally. While the lawsuit was dropped after Stuvia removed the disputed content, it highlighted the copyright issues.

Other universities like Harvard, Stanford, University of Amsterdam have issued statements banning students from selling course materials online. But enforcing this ban is difficult for them.

Quality concerns

Since anyone can upload educational content on Stuvia, the quality is not always verified. Study materials are created by students and may contain incorrect or misleading information.

However, Stuvia claims to have a manual and automated quality review process before publishing documents online. Sellers are required to keep their materials updated as well.

Is it considered cheating?

While Stuvia does not directly condone cheating, its services could enable students to submit purchased assignments. This raises ethical concerns.

Many argue that Stuvia provides helpful study aids and crowdsourced learning resources. But universities worry it promotes cheating by selling completed assignments and exam questions.

Ultimately, it depends on how individual students use the materials – whether responsibly for learning or unethically by copying content.

Stuvia’s stance

Stuvia firmly states that it operates legally by allowing the selling of student-created study materials. Their terms and conditions prohibit sharing of copyrighted university content. They claim to thoroughly vet sellers and remove any infringing content.

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Stuvia shifts the responsibility for ethical usage to students. They believe crowdsourcing education is beneficial but students must use the content properly.

Stuvia Reviews: What Students and Sellers Have to Say

To better understand Stuvia’s legitimacy and value, let’s look at some reviews from real users – both buyers and sellers on the platform:

Positive Reviews

Stuvia has over 700,000 reviews on Trustpilot with an ‘Excellent’ rating of 4.7/5. Here are some excerpts of positive experiences:

“Stuvia has been an absolute lifesaver when studying for my nursing program. Other students’ notes are hugely beneficial as a study tool.”

“The study guides I purchased were high quality and very affordable. Definitely better than what I could produce on my own.”

“As a seller, I’ve made over €3000 by sharing my materials. The income helps cover my college expenses.”

“The process of buying and downloading content is smooth. I like that I can access the files anytime online.”

“Stuvia is my go-to platform anytime I need study help or earn extra cash. I’m glad I found it!”

The most common praise is regarding Stuvia’s affordable prices, helpful quality of content, and steady earnings for sellers. Many students rely on it for exam preparations and learning course material.

Negative Reviews

While positive reviews dominate, some students have faced issues on Stuvia like:

“A few documents I purchased were low quality and seemed copied from textbooks. It was not useful at all.”

“As a seller, too much of my earnings go to Stuvia’s commission fees. The platform takes a huge cut.”

“I didn’t realize buying assignments online was unethical. I just used Stuvia for understanding concepts better.”

“Sometimes finding relevant content for my exact university course is difficult.”

“The review process took weeks before my materials were published. And some were rejected without cause.”

“I think universities should make better quality study materials available directly instead of these third party sites.”

Most of the complaints revolve around quality control, high commissions, and the ethics of paid file-sharing. Many believe universities should provide more affordable, high-quality resources directly.

Stuvia Review Summary

Pros – Affordable pricing for students<br>- Access to crowd-sourced study materials <br>- Good quality resources usually<br>- Flexible earning opportunity for sellers
Cons – Questionable legality <br>- Opposition from universities<br>- Ethical concerns around cheating<br>- Quality control issues sometimes
Verdict Despite its drawbacks, Stuvia offers a valuable platform for students to support each other through peer learning. However, students should use it responsibly and legally. Universities also need to re-think resource availability to students. Overall, Stuvia is considered legit by users if its resources are utilized properly.

Frequently Asked Questions about Stuvia

Is Stuvia safe to use?

Stuvia is considered relatively safe to use as long as you take precautions – stick to reputable sellers, avoid sharing personal information, and use the content ethically. It also has security measures like watermarked files and plagiarism checks.

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Can anyone sell on Stuvia?

Any student over 18 can register as a seller on it but the materials go through a review before getting published. Sellers need to consistently provide high-quality and updated content.

What kinds of study materials are available on Stuvia?

You can find a wide range of study materials on Stuvia including summaries, notes, flashcards, exam bundles, assignments solutions, case studies, etc. for high school and university level courses.

Is it legal to use Stuvia?

While it insists they operate legally, many universities have objected due to copyright violations. Students should avoid sharing direct university content and use Stuvia responsibly to avoid cheating.

How much do sellers earn on Stuvia?

Sellers keep 35% of the selling price per document while it takes a 65% commission. Earnings depend on the price set and volumes sold. Top sellers can earn thousands per year.

What is Stuvia’s refund policy?

Stuvia offers a 14-day money back guarantee. Refunds are provided if the quality is sub-par but not for personal reasons. Sellers still get paid if refunds are approved.

Is Stuvia worth it for buyers?

For most students, provides affordable access to high-quality study materials not available otherwise. It’s worth exploring if you need exam prep help, assignment guidance, or supplemental learning.

Is Stuvia worth it for sellers?

Selling on Stuvia can provide good earnings but you need to consistently create great content. It may not be worth the effort if you cannot maintain quality. But overall, it is a simple way for students to earn money.


Stuvia occupies a controversial space in education by enabling paid sharing of student notes and study materials. But it ultimately offers an in-demand service that helps students access additional learning resources and earn money.

While its legality is questionable, Stuvia is taking steps to operate responsibly within existing copyright norms. Students find genuine value in the platform if used properly. However, more dialog between Stuvia, students, and universities could help ease ethical concerns and reduce misuse.

With affordable prices and access to crowdsourced learning content, Stuvia is considered a legitimate and helpful platform by most student users, even if universities may disapprove. As long as you use it legally and ethically, Stuvia can be a useful study aid.

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